Fine Arts--Theatre
French Neoclassicism
What is Theatre
Festivals and Origins
Elements of Classical Tragedy
Renaissance Theatre in England
Elements of Revenge Tragedy
Elizabethan and Shakespearean Acting
French Neoclassicism
French Neoclassicism II
French Theatre--16th and 17th C.
The Nineteenth Century--World Views
The Nineteenth Century--Production Changes
Nineteenth Century--The Well-made Play
Theatre of the Absurd
Absurdism as Philosophy
Existentialism--Search for Meaning
Naturalism--Emile Zola
Realism--Henrik Ibsen
Contemporary Drama: Black Theatre

I. Establishing the French Neoclassic Ideal

             Louis XIII was 13 years old when he came to the throne. Cardinal Richelieu held the real power. France held national prestige through culture and the arts and the French Academy reigned and declared the "right" cultural ideals.


     The Cid Controversy

             El Cid was presented at Theatre du Marais. Montdory played Rodrigue.

Scudery's Observations claims that it violated classical aesthetics of the well-made play.

             Richelieu and acadmicians condemned the play.

            Corneille was so ostracized by the theatrical community and the public (Scudery's doings) that he composed an apologetic letter for having written El Cid. This negative reaction and the effect on the playwright showed the power of the press and society to affect a playwright's artisitic sensibilities.

     III.  Louis XIV

             A. five years old when he assumes the throne in 1643

             B. Cardinal Mazarin has real power

             C. Entertainments identify France with person of the King

             D. Racine, Neoclassic tragedy


     IV.  Neoclassic Doctrine

             A. verisimilitude—must be true to life

             B. morality, decorum—must be moral, must display decorum

             C. universality—must have universal appeal

             D. to teach and to please

Fine Arts-Theatre with dr.b