Fine Arts--Theatre

Realism--Henrik Ibsen

What is Theatre
Festivals and Origins
Elements of Classical Tragedy
Renaissance Theatre in England
Elements of Revenge Tragedy
Elizabethan and Shakespearean Acting
French Neoclassicism
French Neoclassicism II
French Theatre--16th and 17th C.
The Nineteenth Century--World Views
The Nineteenth Century--Production Changes
Nineteenth Century--The Well-made Play
Theatre of the Absurd
Absurdism as Philosophy
Existentialism--Search for Meaning
Naturalism--Emile Zola
Realism--Henrik Ibsen
Contemporary Drama: Black Theatre

Henrik Ibsen

       Ibsen was inspired by Ainner life,@ the problems of modern civilization. He saw his drama as not just a means of entertainment but a method to bring about discussion of concepts and to stimulate ideas.

In his attention to realism, he discarded theatrical conventions such as asides and soliloquies and any contrived elements such as eavesdropping to advance plot.

His "social problem" plays include

         Peer Gynt (1867)

         A Doll=s House (1879)

         Ghosts (1881)


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