
Herbert Marcuse, Contemporary Marxism

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Plato and Aristotle: Focus on the State
Social Contract: Hume
Social Contract: Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes' Leviathan, Chapter 13
Thomas Hobbes' THE LEVIATHAN, chapter 17
Thomas Hobbes' THE LEVIATHAN, chapter 19
Social Contract: John Locke
Eco-Feminism: Val Plumwood
Communism: Marcuse

Marcuse believes that the working class have been taken in by the capitalistic society. Instead of being disenfranchised, of watching the haves who have while they (the working class) have not, Marcuse sees that the working class has bought into the ever growing getting and spending mode of the upper class. Their needs, as defined by the I want that idea, I want Nikes, I want a new car, I want to eat at Chili's, and the capacity to meet those needs (the working class can buy Nikes, can buy a car (not a Porsche, but a Hyundai), can eat at Chili's) means that their attention to the widening spread between what the wealthy really have versus what they really have is distracted.

They will not act for themselves, dissent, question the status quo, even think. These FALSE NEEDS are satisfied, but the satisfaction promotes dissatisfaction (I want a newer car, I want to eat at DeVito's) so they become even more indentured to the system that allows them to work to meet their false needs. Instead of questioning the status quo, they preserve it.

Marcuse calls this the one dimensional man syndrome. One thought, one action, (or is it no thought equals no action). He believes this has also affected creativity and the power to think critically.

Philosophy with dr.b